恭喜Sinrui Radiator服务团队完成印尼矿区,首批7台CAT D11R散热器的修复工作。 该项目所有的散热器无缝管和密封圈及部件由Sinrui Radiator自主生产,完成对原件的整体替换。快捷的服务,优质的产品质量,和高性价比获得了印尼客户的高度赞赏! Sinrui Radiator提供矿用设备散热器用的无缝管,密封圈,夹子,可根据客户要求进行整机定制,及对客户的散热器排热性能进行优化分析和方案改进等服务。 Sinrui Radiator自2010年进入矿用散热器领域,一直致力于为客户提供高性价比的散热器产品和服务。产品质量达到世界一流水准,其国际化尺寸标准,与矿用设备的散热器原件完全可替换,超长质保等服务为Sinrui赢得了国内外客户的信赖,是多家矿用设备领域国际巨头的长期合作...
Mining trucks are heavy-duty vehicles that carry iron ore, waste rock and other material from open pit mining sites to unloading areas, over long hours. Features High thermal efficiency, significantly smaller core area, reducing the radiator weight by up to 50% Strong structural strength, durable, able to resist strong vibrations and shocks Highly rel...
18 Units Caterpillar C15 radiators delivered to European customers,Sinrui Product Advantage: High technical content, high beginning and high level. And entrusts by the high-class product quality and the exquisite technical service load bearing each customer's trust. We really want to make friends with you and look forward to cooperating with you. Pl...